Another bonny babe… and what an appropriate name for this beautiful little girl I photographed at Battersea Park a couple of weeks ago. We had to reschedule this shoot a couple of times due to colds and unpredictable weather (a luxury I dont see with weddings…!) but we got there in the end. Bella’s mum, dad and myself wandered aimlessly around the park – the thing when photographing 15-month olds is that you have to let them do what they want to do! As a photographer I will plan the shoot to a certain extent but most of it goes out the window with toddlers! They are too mobile to just stay where you put them..! You have to be ready to get that special glimpse of a moment.. that 2 second laugh.. that priceless expression… I love photographing this age. Bella was certainly smiley and she seemed to enjoy her first ‘photo shoot’ 🙂 Below are some of the shots. Her mum and dad have the password to all images in the web gallery.