It has been such an amazing nursery photography season. From the start of April to the end of July, I was busy with nursery photography in Surrey, Hampshire and West Sussex. Nursery photography in Surrey (and surrounds) is a rapidly growing part of my business. Whilst photographing up to 50 children in a short space of time in fairly set conditions sounds like a photographer’s nightmare – I really enjoy it. I have developed such a slick and smooth process from start to finish. It’s very rewarding when I get messages or emails from parents who absolutely love their child’s nursery photo. A stark contrast to the white studio look!
Above is just a teeny tiny handful of the children photographed this year. Thank you to their parents who have allowed me to show their gorgeous faces! All from different nurseries.
If you are a nursery parent or a nursery manager or practitioner and would love to see photos like this at your nursery, get in touch! You can see general information about how it all works here: Nursery Photography with Amy Blackwood Photography
Feedback from parents has been so positive, mainly compliments on how their child is smiling naturally and not looking forced! In the very little time I have with each child, I make it fun and special for them. I have my methods of getting those smiles. Of course there will always be the occasional non smiler but thats OK, these photos can look adorable too.
I have loved photographing some children 2 or 3 years in a row, seeing how they change from year to year at nursery. It’s lovely to be able to give their parents such a lovely (and non-cheesy!) momento of their time at nursery.
You can see recent snippets of my work over at Instagram and Facebook.