Orchard Pre-School
Portrait Photos
I am very pleased and excited to be photographing children at Orchard Pre-School in Milford on 9th October. I will be spending a few minutes with each child to capture portrait photos – hopefully outdoors if the weather allows. Below are some questions you may have before photo day.
What should my child wear?
The short answer to this is… anything they like!
Just their normal every day pre-school clothes will represent how they were at pre-school or if they would like to come in their Sunday best or their favourite superhero, anything goes! Do take them to pre-school that day already wearing what you would like them to wear as it can get very tricky for staff to be changing many children into different clothes! Please also consider what your child will feel comfortable in.
My child isn’t normally at pre-school on the day of photos
The pre-school would like to invite children who are not normally in on photo day and will let you know what time they would like you to arrive, it will likely be first thing.
NB! It is very important that parents drop their child off rather than come in and wait with them. Drop them off in exactly the same way you would drop them on any other day and then wait for staff to return them to you. Unfortunately when parents bring their children to the photo spot, taking their photo becomes a little trickier and it also impacts other children when parents are watching. Thank you!
Will siblings be photographed together?
Siblings who BOTH/ALL ATTEND the pre-school will be photographed individually and together. Their photos will all go into the same gallery and packages can be made up with a mix of their photos.
The set up for outdoor/natural style photos is not always appropriate for small babies and newborns and time does not permit this either. If you would like photos of all your children together and they do not all attend the pre-school, you could consider a family photo shoot or mini-session.
What if my child doesn’t co-operate or becomes shy!
The beauty of natural style photos is that there is not a set pose for the children and no daunting studio lights. I do however choose a specific ‘photo spot’ that has good natural light with a good natural backdrop.
I do my upmost to get them laughing and bring out all my silliness. I am also mindful of more shy personalities. Whilst beaming smiles are always lovely, so are the tiniest of smirks and even those that refuse to smile can have the best serious face! If a child becomes upset, we move on quickly and we try again a little later.
Will you edit scratches, bruises, eczema, chicken pox, etc..
Typically no! But I can if parents request it. Please let me know before you place your order.
My general rule is that I photograph them exactly the way they were on photo day and scratches, bruises, etc.. often tell a story for the future! The one thing I will edit out (if possible) is a runny nose. If there is anything you would like edited on your child’s photo don’t hesitate to get in touch and chat to me about it before you make an order. Small edits are free. Complex edits may cost a few pounds.
When will I see the photos and how do I place an order?
Within approximately 1-2 weeks of photo day, you will receive a proof card. The card will have your unique gallery website and your unique password on it. Once you have viewed the photos, you can place an order online via the gallery itself. You can order digital images or hard copy prints. Digital images are delivered to your inbox via a download link usually with 24 hours. Prints are delivered to the pre-school approximately 10 days after galleries close.
Any useful tips for parents pre-photo day?
– Treat photo day just like any other pre-school day so there are no nerves.
– Those coming in for photo only, drop them as you would any other pre-school day and let the staff bring them to me.
– If it’s a hot day and photos are in the morning, is best to apply suncream after photos in order to minimise shiny skin.
– If it’s a very cold day, think about layers and warm clothes as I typically remove coats for photos.
– Put the photo day date in your diary! So easy to forget with so many other dates to remember.
– Get excited about your child’s photo day by following me on Instagram in advance!
Privacy and a bit about Amy..
A few things you might like to know…
– I am DBS checked! Your child’s photos will be stored securely and passwords are required for any viewing access.
– Galleries are available to view for approx 2 weeks. Images are archived for 2 years.
– I will contact parents directly to get permission before using any images for marketing purposes.
– I have been a Photographer for 15 years and branched out into school photography in 2019.
– I am Haslemere based and I’m a mum of 3 young children.
Really delighted with our beautiful photos – all of them. It’s going to be so hard to choose! C Betts
“I am so proud of the kids photographs. They are absolutely picture perfect!! S Edwards
“Thanks so much for the lovely photo. You have captured our daughter’s cheeky personality perfectly” A Lynes
“Amazing! You take absolutely beautiful photos” M Walsh
“These photos are the nicest ones we have of him. Thank you, thank you! K Jones
“The prints of our daughter are gorgeous – you must be a miracle worker to get her to smile and look at the camera at the same time, as I can never achieve it! S Morrison
“I absolutely love the photographs you have taken of my cheeky boy. I’m constantly trying to take his photos and I love the naturalness of yours. I have received all of my digitals and constantly looking at them” G James
If you would like to see more images and snippets of work, follow me on Instagram where I post regularly. I only ever post images where parents have given express permission to me directly.